

Where is the road calling you?

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Chiang Rai, Thailand

It’s Pink, Undersized, and Blows When You Ride It Too Hard…But It’s Not What You Think

The moment had finally come when the sun appeared, the clouds began to dissipate, and sensitive extremities on our bodies could finally return to their fully relaxed position.  Our rapidly missed hippie pants and tank tops had re-emerged along with flip flops replacing our unfashionable hiking shoes.  We could scarcely contain our excitement to rent our first motorbike of the trip.  […]

Chiang Mai, Thailand

A Bruised Hip, More Than Just The Tip, and A Serious Weather Dip

Following a short stint in Bangkok, we once again boarded the all too familiar train headed for Chiang Mai at ten o’clock in the evening.  With sleeping berths ready to accommodate our heavy eye lids and dra
gging asses courtesy of the humid heat throughout the day, we secured our big packs to the luggage racks as we’d done so often before and hunkered down for the night.  […]

Bangkok, Thailand

Market Stripping and Ping Pong Show Skipping

Unforgettable memory January 2011

Granted, we’ve been to Thailand more times than any other country. It’s also true this country gives us a true sense of our home away from home, but I’ll never forget our first impressions of such an addicting country. There are those who might argue Thailand is too touristy. Although it does seem to be home to hoards of new backpackers and seasoned veterans alike, […]