Give Back

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Give Back

Perhaps one of the most important and rewarding part of our travels has become giving back to those who accept us with open arms and allow us to enter into their private worlds. We have to remember we’re guests in other’s countries, their homes. So often I find myself humbled by the generosity and hospitality of those with little (if not nothing) to offer other than a simple smile…yet that’s exactly what I receive. Few things can warm my heart and inspire me to help than the looks in the teary eyes of someone less fortunate eternally grateful for a left over meal or couple of dollars. Children in some of our favorite countries are absolutely ecstatic to receive a coloring book or stickers from the local dollar store back home. Parents delight in the excitement of their children, offering numerous thanks of appreciation.

Surrounded by abundant gratitude, we feel compelled to do more, no matter how great or how small. I’ve seen a child’s face brighten with a smile full of missing teeth at the sight of my outstretched hand handing him and his mother a small plastic bag of warm rice curry from the local street food vendor, rushing to her side as she looked up with a slight glimmer of hope in her eyes while placing her hands in prayer position and gazing up at me with a loving thanks. Every time I close my eyes and remember the people weeping or grabbing my hands and placing them to their forehead to show appreciation, I look forward to the next opportunity to help those who need it most.

We understand what it’s like to think, “I don’t have much to give. What good can ten or twenty bucks do? It’s not going to make a difference.” After committing so much of our efforts to traveling with locals and immersing ourselves in unfamiliar cultures, we can fully comprehend the surprisingly significant impact of any amount one is able to part with. If you’re looking to help change the world one person at a time, to be part of even a small miracle, please help us in our quest.